Friday, November 18, 2011

Do Something Wonderful for Yourself

Sometimes when we think of living compassionately, we think of what we can do for others.  That is a wonderful way of living; however, we also have to remember to be compassionate to ourselves so we have the peace and love we need to treat others in a kind and gentle manner

Recently, I was feeling bad because my husband has been away for three months visiting his family overseas.  I get up each day with the intention of feeling peaceful and living in the moment but sometimes life just gets in the way.  I begin thinking about the bills, how long he might be gone and other things that make me anxious.  I decided to consult a well know medium after really thinking about it for a long time.  I felt a little guilty because I was spending money that I could be using for bills or other necessities, like Starbucks…only kidding.  I decided to treat myself, and my spirit to an uplifting session and I am so glad that I did.  I think the Universe was in sync with what I needed at the time because I received an e-mail advertising half price sessions for three days only.  I spoke to her for an hour and it was like having a great massage or doing something for myself that was totally relaxing and reassuring.  I would recommend this person to anyone who asked me about her even though I am not naming her here and now.

I know that the decision I made was right for me and it was also out of character, and that is what I loved about it. I always think so logically and find reasons why I should take care of other responsibilities before I take take care of me.  This time I decided to put myself on the top of the to do list.  I have been to psychics before but this was a psychic to the Stars and a really down to earth wonderful person.  I was stepping out of my comfort zone, but also treating myself to something that would lift my spirits..and it did!

My advise is keep living compassionately, don’t worry be happy, and when you are doing something nice don’t forget to include yourself.

All my Love and Compassion…..Debra

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Every Day is a New Day to Be Kind

Today I was listening to the radio and they were talking about bullying.  This is such an epidemic in our country and young people are ending their lives because of the mean and senseless actions of others.  Take a minute to think of how your words or actions may affect someone before you cause them pain.  Usually their bully is just a very insecure individual who is looking for recognition from others.  Unfortunately, there are just not enough people willing to step outside their comfort zone to confront the behavior of the bully or someone who is hurting another person for no apparent reason.  We all deserve a peaceful and safe existence and I will certainly write more about this topic in the future because it is very close to my heart.  Start kind and reach out to someone that needs your support.  With Love and Peace.....Debra

Friday, September 30, 2011

Every Day We Have a New Chance to do Something Kind

Each any every day we can find ways to improve our lives and the lives of those around us.  Sometimes we just need to slow down and enjoy something simple like speaking to someone new in an elevator, holding a door for someone, or helping someone that is really down on their luck.  When we take the time to do something kind for someone else, and we do not expect anything in return, the feeling of joy is automatic.  It feels so wonderful to connect with another person we do not know by simply saying good morning, or paying them a compliment.  There have been times in my life where sadness pervaded my day and I encountered someone who said or did something that instantly lifted my spirits.  I held on to their words and it changed the way I was feeling at that very moment.  No matter what you are going though in life there is joy to be found in the very simplest of everyday occurrences.  Today for instance, I was sitting in City Hall Park on my lunch hour watching a squirrel enjoy an acorn.  This squirrel was eating this little acorn like it was the most delicious thing he or she had ever tasted.  There was a human quality about how it held the food and looked as people walked by.  Suddenly a woman and her baby looked at the same squirrel and must have felt the same thing I did because we both looked at each other an smiled.  I find that the best gifts in life are all around us and all we have to do is notice them.  Whether it is a little squirrel in the park or the connection we feel when we realize that someone else is also appreciating something so simple...the feeling is priceless and it can really make our day.  Live each day with compassion!  Much Love Debra..